Throughout this current presidential campaign, my only thought on John McCain has been:
"Look at this poor man who once might have been able to call himself a maverick having to play super-conservative so that he can get elected"
So what is it that has changed my pity to downright loathing?
Two recent campaign ads which lie in extremely big ways.
First there is the "lipstick" ad which I can no longer link you to because it has been pulled from Y
outube for a very valid reason. The ad is very simple. It starts with Sarah
Palin and her infamous quote about pit bulls, hockey moms and lipstick. Then it shows footage of
Obama where he says something to the effect of, 'if you put lipstick on a pig it's still a pig'.
OK now that alone would have been a fairly standard ad. Sure it takes
Obama's statement which was in reference to McCain's policies out of context and makes it seem as thought it was a straight shot at Mrs.
Palin but oh well that's par for the Republican course. The real problem is the third clip they show. In this clip CBS anchor Katie
Couric says:
"One of the continued lessons of that campaign is the continued and accepted role of sexism in American life."
The ad makes it seem as though she is speaking about
Obama's campaign. It makes you think that
Couric thinks that sexism is a major part about the
Obama campaign. Sadly that is not the case. Here's where the quote actually comes from: that's right, she was talking about Hillary Clinton's campaign and how it was continually attacked on sexist grounds.
Where does the Republican Party get off? They were responsible for SO many of the sexist attacks against Hillary Clinton and now all of a sudden THEY are crying foul because this time it's about THEIR candidate? Fuck you Republican Party!
And now onto the second odious ad.
This ad implies that
Obama is in favor of "comprehensive sex education" for Kindergartners then follows up with, "Learning about sex before learning to read?
Barack Obama. Wrong on education. Wrong for your family."
A bald face lie.
"But the legislation allowed local school boards to teach "age-appropriate" sex education, not comprehensive lessons to kindergartners, and it gave schools the ability to warn young children about inappropriate touching and sexual predators.
"Republican Alan Keyes tried to use Obama's vote against him in the 2004 U.S. Senate race. At the time, Obama spoke about wanting to protect young children from abuse. He made clear then that he was not supporting teaching kindergartners about explicit details of sex.
"Obama spokesman Bill Burton said Tuesday of McCain's ad: "It is shameful and downright perverse for the McCain campaign to use a bill that was written to protect young children from sexual predators as a recycled and discredited political attack against a father of two young girls.""Source:, please, please vote for
Barack Obama this November. We cannot allow such Bush/Rove scum to continue to pollute the White House for another four years. If you cannot bring yourself to vote for
Obama that is fine, vote for Ron Paul or Bob Barr.
Anyone is better than John McCain.

I'm Craig Duffy and I approve this message.