Monday, October 20, 2008

Movies Of The Future!

Next Tuesday will mark the DVD release of “Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead” and though I have not seen the film myself I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone.

Some of you might be wondering: "What could give him such unbridled enthusiasm for an unseen film?"

For you I have two words: "LLOYD KAUFMAN!!!"

Many out there (close friends of mine included) like to dismiss Troma© as schlocky trash with absolutely no redeeming value. On one level they are correct. Troma© has released its’ share of “goat shit”, but when it comes to actual Lloyd Kaufman productions, you are in for a treat.

Lloyd is no dummy. He attended Yale alongside the likes of Gary Trudeau, Oliver Stone, George W. Bush and John Kerry. He also knows his cinema. As a young man he worshiped at the altar of art filmmakers like Andy Warhol and Stan Brakhage and it is this anti-authoritarian/underground streak that shines through in all of his films.

Unlike so much of the shit cluttering out multiplexes in this day and age, Lloyd actually makes films ABOUT something. He makes films about AIDS, abortion, women in the arts, our consumerist culture, etc. Of course it all gets related through the prism of a gory horror comedy but that just makes it all the better. A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down.

Even the ramshackle/low-budget nature of the productions serves as a plus. Godard isn’t the only one who can effectively used Brechtian devices in film. A particularly fake looking head explosion is an excellent way to remind you that you are watching film. An aware audience is much better able to interpret and discuss the ideas they are being fed. Unlike “Forrest Gump” et al, these films are not propaganda.

Now of course Troma© isn’t for everyone. Those with weak stomachs might want to take a rain check and that’s to be understood. But for those of you out there who consider yourselves serious cineastes, there is absolutely no excuse.

Lloyd is quite simply the most inspiring individual currently working in film. His passion is so intense that regardless of the medium, he is able to reach out and grab you. His prose can be just as inanely infectious as his cinema.

Recommended Viewing
-The Toxic Avenger
-Troma’s War
-Tromeo & Juliet
-Terror Firmer
-The Toxic Avenger IV: Citizen Toxie

Recommended Reading
-Make Your Own Damn Movie



Anonymous said...

um, Cannibal! the musical??

Craig Duffy said...

i have absolutely no problem with cannibal the musical. the reason i didn't mention it was that this piece is about lloyd and the films he has directed. it's a great film.

Anonymous said...

fair enough, duffy!