Thursday, October 23, 2008

What have you done for me LATELY?

A brief observation:

Whenever a conservative decides to jump ship and endorse Barack Hussein Obama the immediate reaction is to begin denigrating that person as not a ‘true conservative’. This all hit a fever pitch on Sunday when Colin Powell decided to endorse Obama while speaking on “Meet the Press”.

Colin Luther Powell served as a National Security Advisor to Reagan, Chaired the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Bush Sr. and acted as Secretary of State to Bush Jr. For most people, a resume like that would buy a lot of Republican street cred.

Oh and let’s not forget the fact that Powell is pro-choice and his mother dresses him funny.

I don’t get it.

Had Powell chosen to endorse McCain the Bill Kristols and William Bennetts of the world would be extolling his virtues as a wise and respected conservative man of principle. He's their negro as long as he's useful. After that -

'To the wolves with you. We have Alan Keyes.'

I honestly believe that if Ronald Reagan were to suddenly rise from the dead and endorse Barack Obama, every dittohead from here to Timbuktu would be decrying him as not a ‘true conservative’ and would repeatedly regurgitate the fact that he was a registered Democrat until 1962.

I sure hope Andy Griffith is ready for the onslaught:

See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die

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