Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Paper Heart

Last night my fiance and I got to see a test screening of Paper Heart staring comedian/musician Charlyne Yi (the awkward Asian girl from Knocked Up). The film is a faux-documentary which follows Yi across the country as she interviews people about love. Along the way she strikes up a romanitc relationship with Michael Cera. The result is Borat mixed with When Harry Met Sally...

This film is definitely not for everyone. If you are already predisposed to dislike cute/awkward hipster kids then there is no way that you will like this film. The audience is very niche. I hope that they don't try to market it to the Knocked Up and Superbad crowd. I heard many pissed off bros as I left the theatre. This is much more for the Napoleon Dynamite and Juno crowd.

What really holds this film together is Charlyne. She successfully takes a character (or is that really her?) that most people would categorize as asexual, and makes you see the yearning for connection which lies underneath. She wears her paper heart on her sleeve. Even in completely contrived situations you cannot help but feel for her.

Oh and those kids in Atlanta are priceless.

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