Friday, January 16, 2009

Thanks For Listening

I read the news today oh boy. Indie 103 is going off the air.

Of course they'll still be online, but the days of picking up their shitty signal in the car are over and done with. Unlike some of your heartless bastards I can't help but shead a tear.

Sure they weren't truly "indie". But where else could I hear both Frank Sinatra and Public Enemy without having to turn the dial? Where else could I get DJs like Steve Jones & Henry Rollins? And most importantly, who else would let an asshole like me on the air for an hour?

It was the perfect station for a late night drive when you didn't have your iPod with you. Unfortunately I can't get my computer to go 55mph. le sigh.

Thank you Indie 103. You will be missed.

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