Monday, March 23, 2009

So Say We All!

This past Friday brought us the series finale of Battlestar Galactica. By and large I really dug it. Just the right balance of explanation and ambiguity. Though I'm sad to see it go I'm also glad that it was able to end on its' own terms rather than through cancellation.

With Battlestar gone, TV is starting to look like a scary place. For my money the only truly great shows still on the air are 30 Rock, The Office and Chuck (go NBC!). Sure there's Gossip Girl, Reaper, Heroes and Criminal Minds but I don't NEED to watch them. Gossip Girl is fun trash with no depth, Heroes stopped being great long ago, Reaper I can take or leave and Criminal Minds is a standard procedural.

The apartment my fiance and I just moved in to doesn't have TV, and even once we get a converter box and such we won't have cable or DVR. In the past this would have been a sign of impending doom. Daddy needs his stories! But with the present decline in quality television, it's not that scary of a prospect. After all, I can still get all the worthwhile stuff on Hulu.

Goodbye Television. It was fracking great while it lasted.

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