Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dream Job

When you're a child it seems like you are constantly being asked:

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

It's a rather clever trick used by adults so they know whether to enroll you in art classes or football. Gonna have to remember that one for when my intended and I eventually have little ones. Oh God I hope they don't like sports. Anyhow...

When people ask me what I want to do with my life, I often reply that I want to be a filmmaker. This is a lie. Want to know my real dream job? Promise you won't tell? OK...

I want to name jazz songs.

Don't understand why? Go to the Jazz section at any record shop and check out the names on the back of those albums.

-"Please Don't Come Back From The Moon" by Charles Mingus
-"The Tattooed Bride" by Duke Ellington
-"Stratusphunk" by Gil Evans
-"Miles Runs The Voodoo Down" by Miles Davis

Imagine how awesome that would be. Jazz musicians travel from all over the globe to your office where they set up and perform their newest composition. You then sit in silence for a moment before bestowing upon them the precisely perfect title.

If you are a jazz musician in need of titles or know any jazz musicians in need of titles please send them my way. You/They will not be disappointed.

1 comment:

'Becca'lise said...

Does this mean we're going to start saying "Jazz Song!" instead of "Band name!" when we hear something funny? Like "Creepy Creepy Taco Font?" Hahaha (love you).