Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Road

As excited as I am about the Obama victory, there is still great sorrow in my heart today. It comes from the fact that though we as a country chose by and large to break away from eight years of failed policy, we were unable to stop ANY of the bans on gay marriage.

All over the news, people have been talking about what an Obama presidency symbolizes to our Nation and to the world. They talk about how we are now a show rather than tell country. They talk about how now it is truly possible for anyone to become President if they so desire. Well apparently that does not apply to our friends in the LGBTI community.

But there is hope.

From 1924 until 1967, Virginia had a “Racial Integrity Act” which made it a felony for a white person to marry a non-white. This act was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in the landmark case of Loving v. Virginia. What was the deciding factor in that case?

The 14th Amendment states: “No state shall…deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

As depressed as I am today, that statement is what gives me hope. It demonstrates our system’s amazing ability to correct itself when things are inherently wrong. As unjust as these bans are, they will lead the way for lawsuits which will in turn lead to Supreme Court cases like Loving v. Virginia. Sure it’s a long road ahead, but I am prepared for the journey.


Remember, remember the fifth of November
The gunpowder treason and plot
I know of no reason, why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot

Tonight is Guy Fawkes Night. I recommend watching V for Vendetta. It's relevant to the gay marriage issue as well.

Hasta la victoria, siempre.

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