Sunday, April 26, 2009

"Back home, cats don't talk."

This year is going to be a big one for the best animated feature category at the Oscars. We're going to have a new Pixar film (Up), a new Miyazaki film (Ponyo on the Cliff), Wes Anderson's animation debut (The Fantastic Mr. Fox), etc. and a creepy morality play from his good friend Henry Selick known as Coraline. Though in the end only three films will make the cut (I don't know why they don't open it up to five nominees) I'm going to go on the record and say that Coraline will make the cut.

Based on a book by Neil Gaiman, Coraline tells the rather simple story of a girl who doesn't appreciate the life she has. Of course we know where this is going. She'll somehow or other find her way to a world that fills all of her wildest dreams only to discover that there's no place like home. Tale as old as time. So what makes Coraline worth it then?

Henry Selick.

Henry Selick is a wizard like no other. Sure Monkeybone was a steaming heap but The Nightmare Before Christmas along with James and the Giant Peach are wonders to behold. Like no other he can take another artist's world (ie: Burton, Dahl & Gaiman) and make it uniquely his own. He can out auteur an auteur and that is no easy feat. Coraline is dazzling, funny and scary all at the same time. Few artists out there are able to strike so many chords.

Pixar already has awards up the wazoo as does the honorable Miyazaki-san. I think this year it's time for Henry to take his place among giants.

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