Friday, May 1, 2009


Tomorrow is the first Saturday of May.  Do you know what that means?

A few years back when the fist X-Men film was released, comic book retailers across the nation decided to seize upon the publicity by having Free Comic Book Day.  The theory being that the film would cause millions of people to start jonsing for a comic fix and they (the retailers) would be there to scratch your itch.  Well I guess it was successful because here we are nearly a decade later and it's become an annual tradition.

Last year Free Comic Book Day followed the release of the excellent Iron Man movie.  This year we're not so lucky and are getting a reportedly less than stellar Wolverine movie.  Oh well. They can't all be winners.  

Shitty mutant movie aside - you should carve an hour out of your tomorrow to  head on down to your nearest comic book retailer.  What you don't know where that is?  Shame on you!  But you can always dial 1-888-COMICBOOK for a little help in that department.

Lots of cool publishers are releasing lots of cool special issues that are only available as part of Free Comic Book Day.  I'm personally excited for the Love and Rockets sampler from Fantagraphics (though there will probably be none left by the time I get off work). Grrr.

In addition to the free books, most shops will also be hosting massive sales.  With the economy as it is this would be the perfect time to but that trade paper back you've been eyeing.  Or for those of you who aren't really comic book followers this is the perfect time to start.  The first taste is free and the second taste could be 25% off.  I'd like to see a drug dealer who could do better.

All joking and carnival barking aside - please come out and support this truly American art medium.  You turned out in droves to see The Dark Knight, now it's time to turn out for the little funny books that first gave us the caped crusader.

Recommended titles for newbies to look at:
-Love and Rockets
-Y: The Last Man
-Scott Pilgrim
-The Dark Knight Returns

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