Monday, May 4, 2009

Super Scouts!

From 6th thru 12th grade I your humble blogger was a Boy Scout.  I even made it to Eagle.  In order to get Eagle you are required to earn a certain amount of merit badges.  Most of these come from a set list (First Aid, Citizenship in the Nation, etc.) but once you have earned all of the "required" badges you are then free to pick from a litany of other badges to fill the quota.

You can get a badge in beekeeping.  You can also get one (I shit you not) in Nuclear Science.  These Misc badges are there so that kids with far flung interests can get badges in things that they dig. Unfortunately for me there were only four badges to cover my interests: Film, Theatre, Photography & Art.

Oh how I envy the female youth of today.

What the fuck man?  For years people have pigeonholed comics as a medium for emotionally stunted males, yet it's the ladyfolk who stepped up to the plate and made a badge for this legitimate American art form!  The BSA needs to get their shit together and make one of these for all the (how do we put this?) "indoor kids".

Rock on Girl Scouts!

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