I’ve attended Comic-Con off and on for the past decade. Over those years it has grown exponentially. It has evolved to the point where there is absolutely no way to really, “Do the Con,” in one day. Take it from me – I’ve tried.
Last year was my first time going in four years. It was quite a culture shock and knocked me on my ass. Though I had been there before, I felt like a stranger in a strange land. I was overwhelmed.
When I first started going back in middle school, the convention floor was small enough that you could walk every aisle and still have time for a couple of panels. Now the floor is so large (and packed with so many people) you really need a whole day (or parts of multiple days) to dedicate solely to visiting booths.
Thanks to increased interest from Major Hollywood Studios© booths that were once simply booths now can tower two stories and feature lighting rigs that would blow your house’s circuit breaker. Also thanks to Them© the swag has taken a huge leap up in both awesomeness and quality but… you have to play their game in order to get it. The right two panels could literally eat up a whole day.
It’s like a dance: Wait in line an hour and a half for the panel. Sit through panel. Get ticket for item. Wait in line one hour to receive item. Rinse. Repeat.
This year I was able to take it more in stride. The boy who once had to see and do everything decided to settle for a few really special things. While it is true that you cannot, “Do the Con,” in one day, you can still have one heck of a time – as long as you’re selective.
See you in the funny papers.
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