Monday, July 28, 2008

The Truth Is Out There

At the start of the summer I was really hyped to see “X-Files: I Want To Believe”, but now thanks to extremely poor reviews I think I’ll be waiting for video or cable. This brings me great pain because from about 1997 to 2001 I was a really huge X-Files geek.

The X-Files is easily one of the BEST shows in television history. It was scary, funny, had two extremely well crafted central characters, played around with the form, had intense mythology and was also able to go off on single episode tangents.

I think this is why the show was able to appeal to such a wide audience – it had something for everyone. None of the current sci-fi/fantasy shows out there seem to be able to garner an audience anywhere near to that of X-Files.

It has been years since I’ve actually watched an episode. I’ve seen the big box set and have toyed with the idea of getting it. What holds me back is a question gnawing at the back of my mind, ‘was it really that good?’ Would it still scare me? Would the effects still look as good? Has my own deep sense of nostalgia built it up too much?

After reading review upon review about how * shoulder shrug * the new film is I’m about ready to accept that the X-Files is something best left in the past. Or maybe I’ll borrow someone’s DVD and try it out at no financial cost to myself because, like Fox Mulder –

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