Sunday, July 13, 2008


Ever since my political awakening some eight odd years ago I have been firmly in the progressive camp. I'm a far left leaning liberal and social democracy is my wet dream. The first thing I did on my 18th birthday was register to vote and I registered Green! In those early years I had the fervor of a religious convert. I would never think of voting for a fucking Democrat.

I still have great hopes for third parties in this country but I don't think a presidential election is the place to start. A third party needs to build from the ground up. I fully support the electing of third party councilmembers, mayors, governors, etc but in order for us to EVER be able to even entertain the idea of a president from a third party we need:


Anyhow. Back to the task at hand...

I am aware that Barack Obama is probably not your ideal candidate (my candidate was Edwards) but he's what we have to work with. Sure he ONLY supports civil unions and sure he voted for Bush's FISA bill but what do you expect? Candidates ALWAYS drift towards the middle as the general election draws closer.

Obama is like Obi-Wan Kenobi - our only hope. It's either him or four or more years of a "maverick" who sold his soul to get this far. Over the course of the Bush presidency I have seen great evil and sickness creep over this nation and I know McCain won't change that tide because it's his bread and butter.

Under Bush we have become a nation ruled by fear and it's driving me crazy. Fear has lead us into two wars (with a third maybe on the way), fear has destroyed our civil liberties, fear has caused us to turn against eachother. I cannot continue to live like this. I am tired of fear.

Ever since September 11th 2001 America has been like a hostage with Stockholm syndrome. We love being held captive. This state of fear has become all that we know. It’s not going to be easy to change the tide after eight years of indoctrination but I think Barack Obama has the right idea. The key word throughout his campaign has been “hope”. Hope has the potential to shake us out of this malignant funk and THAT more than anything, is why I will be voting for Barack Obama this coming November.

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