Monday, December 29, 2008

Bad News & Bragging

People have been waiting around for a film adaptation of Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons' The Watchmen since the mid 80s. The film is now shot, edited and ready to roll. But it seems we might have to wait a little bit longer.

Just before Christmas a judge ruled that Fox had some legal claim on the property. Today Fox officially asked to stop the film's March release. Man I fucking hate Fox almost as much as they seem to hate fan boys.

First they make shitty movies like The Day The Earth Stood Still and Dragonball Evolution that condescend to one of the most educated and literate audiences out there. Now they top it off by blocking the release of geekdom's most anticipated film. And all of it is done for the all mighty dollar. They just want to see how much they can wring out of Warner Brothers. What a bunch of pig anuses.

In other news....I got one of these bad boys for Christmas -
I am absolutely in love with the images I'm getting out of it. I feel like a big boy now. For anyone who is interested you can check out my portfolio over at:

Feel free to comment and if you have any photographing needs you think I might be able to fill just let me know.

My other prized acquisition?

God I love Stanley Kubrick. I just spent the past year watching each of his films one at a time and each one is breathtaking in its' own way. This book is absolutely a must own for anyone who loves film. It is filled with high resolution photos from all the films, behind the scenes shots, script pages, costume designs, etc. It even has a section on his un-filmed projects (Napoleon, Aryan Papers and A.I.).

Some time soon I hope to post something on here about Kubrickian structure (as pretentious as that sounds). I've also got lots of other ideas for this here blog percolating. 2009 should be fun.


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