Monday, December 22, 2008

Lowest Common Denominator

For the most part I hate contemporary film posters. Gone are the days of awesome stuff like this Saul Bass masterpiece: And what do we get instead? Shitty "big head" posters. Yeah you know what I'm talking about. All of them look EXACTLY like this:

Oh wow Julia Roberts is in this movie? I could have never found that out by reading the poster. Good thing her face was on their big as life. I only go see movies based on who is starring in them. I have to go drink some paint thinner now. Bye.

Anyhow...Occasionally a good poster will come along. Something with a very nice graphic sensibility. Something you might actually hang on your wall. Something like:
The image also makes for great DVD art. Or so you might think. According to the fine folks at Touchstone, this monstrosity will make you want to rent Miracle at St Anna:
What the fuck is wrong with this world? Were they trying to make use of shitty reject art they had laying around? Is DVD art really that important these days? I understand needing an image that appeals to the lowest common denominator so as to grab their attention while they are roaming the video store. But most people these days get their films either by bootleg, Netflix or cable.

Can't we just keep the nice pretty original art? Please?

1 comment:

'Becca'lise said...

Amen! I hate all of the awful DVD covers I'm seeing these days.