Sunday, September 28, 2008

by Anger

"Lucifer is the patron saint of the visual arts. Color, form--all these are the work of Lucifer."

About a week ago I found myself yammering on to a co-worker about Kenneth Anger's "Scorpio Rising". To illustrate a point I did a Google image search and came across the following photo:

I think it's safe to say that Kenneth Anger is my favorite really old gay man. (I have so many favorite people that I've had to resort to rather niche categories). I mean just look at that picture.

-This is the man who pioneered the ironic use of pop music in cinema

-This is the man who gathered together every Tinseltown scandal he'd ever heard and published them

-This is the man who hired Manson family member Bobby Beausoleil to pen the soundtrack for "Lucifer Rising" from jail after rejecting Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page's original score

Though I do not share many of his opinions (especially those on Satan) I really do admire him. He has always remained true to himself regardless of what others might say. And on top of it all, his camera has captured some of the most arresting images in the history of cinema.

When a film is preceded by the words "by Anger" you know you're in for a unique experience

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